I am currently a junior student majoring in Computer Science and Engineering. My academic interests include Human-Computer Interaction and Computational Creativity. Additionally, music is a passion of mine, particularly songwriting and playing the electric guitar. My lifelong dream is to create something that contributes positively to making the world a better place.

B.S. in Computer Science & Engineering

2021 to current at Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China


Business Startup about gamified music education platform

From October 2022 to current at Soulnd, CUHK-Shenzhen, China

  • Assembled a group of students from SUSTech, CUHK-Shenzhen, and Shanghai Conservatory of Music to develop gamified music education applications.
  • Utilized Django for backend development and employed Flutter, NextJS, and ReactJS for frontend development to build mobile and web applications.
  • Designed products using principles from social psychology and behavioral economics.
  • Performed responsibilities at the CUHK office and received recommendations on ruanyf's weekly.

Research about investigating internal bias of large language models using prompts

From September 2023 to January 2024 at SUSTech, dircted by Prof. Xuetao Wei

  • Designed jailbreaking prompts to bypass the limitations of LLM and assess its authentic responses to prompts.
  • Designed specialized metrics to evaluate the inequity of AI models.
  • Finetuned AI models to decrease internal bias using QLora methods and Pytorch and Transformers libraries.
  • Conducted a literature review to find phenomena and reasons for inequity, including algorithm, dataset, and training process.

Global Governance Cource

From September 2022 to June 2023 at China Center for International People-to-People Exchange, Ministry of Education

  • Gained a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and risks associated with artificial intelligence, as well as the importance of global governance and the various approaches taken by different countries.
  • Learned how to use data effectively in various fields, including artificial intelligence, machine learning, and healthcare, by understanding data manipulation, fundamental principles, essential methods, and challenges.
  • Explored sustainable development, global trends, and developmental prospects, including “Hopeful” policies.

Research on how techniques in deep learning drive modern models

In January 2024 at CUC, directed by Prof. Jamie Vicary

  • Studied and discussed seminal papers in deep learning, including renowned works like AlexNet.
  • Acquired proficiency in classical AI models, including CNNs, GNNs, and GANs, through learning and hands-on training.